Get involved with Food Not Bombs!
What are they all about?
Food Not Bombs is gaining momentum throughout the world. There are hundreds of autonomous chapters sharing free vegetarian food with hungry people and protesting war and poverty. Food Not Bombs is not a charity. This energetic all volunteer grassroots movement is active throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia. For over 30 years the movement has worked to end hunger and has supported actions to stop the globalization of the economy, restrictions to the movements of people, end exploitation and the destruction of the earth and its beings.
We recover food that would have been discarded and share it as a way of protesting war and poverty. With fifty cents of every U.S. federal tax dollar going to the military and forty percent of our food being discarded while so many people were struggling to feed their families that we could inspire the public to press for military spending to be redirected to human needs. We also reduce food waste and meet the direct need of our community by collecting discarded food, preparing vegan meals that we share with the hungry while providing literature about the need to change our society. Food Not Bombs also provides food to protesters and striking workers and organizes food relief after natural and political crisis.
What type of activism do they do?
Food Not Bombs is often the first to provide food and supplies to the survivors of disasters. Food Not Bombs was also the first to provide hot meals to the rescue workers responding to September 11th World Trade Center attacks. Food Not Bombs volunteers were among the first to provide food and help to the survivors of the Asian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina. Our volunteers organized a national collection program and delivered bus and truckloads of food and supplies to the gulf region becoming the only organization to share daily meals in New Orleans after Katrina.
Food Not Bombs works in coalition with groups like Earth First!, The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, Anarchist Black Cross, the IWW, Homes Not Jails, Anti Racist Action, Farm Animal Rights Movement, In Defense of Animals, the Free Radio Movement and other organizations on the cutting edge of positive social change and resistance to the new global austerity program. Food Not Bombs is now preparing for the economic crash organizing Food Not Lawns community gardens, housing the homeless with Homes Not Jails, organizing additional meals each week while starting new Food Not Bombs chapters in as many communities as possible.
How do I get involved?
To start volunteering with Food Not Bombs, click a button below!
1Always ask for vegan options when you're eating out, walking by a restaurant, store, or bar. Even if you already know that they don't have vegan options, asking creates a demand for it.
2Buy vegan-friendly stickers and place them on walls, lamp poles, & other public areas. You can also attach QR code stickers on meat products. Please respect local laws! Find stickers
3Move bookstore cookbooks so that plant-friendly recipes have more exposure near meat-based recipe books. Please be respectful and ask these stores first if you can rearrange them!
4Update your social media profile descriptions or website with a link to a vegan youtube video! Use a link to track clicks and stats. We recommend Gary or Earthling Ed's speech!
5Print vegan-friendly flyers and pamphlets for people's mailboxes, or under their doors! Hand them out to people, leave them at libraries, colleges, supermarkets, or hang them in public places! Print or order resources by clicking here.
6Contact stores around you and ask them to carry more vegan / plant-based / dairy-free items! It creates demand, and it only takes a few seconds to google your local store's website and email address! Example
7Host potlucks / vegan meals by inviting friends and family over and cooking for them! Show them how good plant-based meats, milks and desserts actually are!
8Leave positive Yelp reviews at restaurants that offered vegan options and give feedback to restaurants that you'd like to see more plant-based options! Examples.
9Wear vegan shirts / clothes and other items! By wearing vegan-friendly messages on your clothes you help normalize veganism and hopefully plant a few seeds in people around you!
10Tweet or email celebrities that you look up to, whether they play music, star in movies, write books, respectfully ask them to consider looking into Veganism! Examples here.
11Donate to sanctuaries or organizations that could really use the funding! You could even sponsor an Animal at a sanctuary; your money is sorely needed. Donation list.
12Use your creative skillsets and create various forms of art like songs, poems, stories, drawings, and so on, to spread the message of going vegan!
13Set up a free public booth somewhere and give out small sample cups of plant-based milks to show people how good they are, and where to buy them from! Hand out pamphlets with information.
14Ask your family to donate towards vegan organizations or sanctuaries in place of getting you birthday, wedding or christmas gifts! Plant some seeds in their mind! Donate list.
15Perform chalk activism on public streets to spread information, facts and more - legally. Make sure the chalk is vegan (Crayola isn’t vegan)!
16Change your WiFi network name to link directly to a free documentary! You can do "WATCHDOMINION.COM" or a similar link, it's a quick and easy thing to do! Screenshot.
17Post content on that's relevant to the community without directly pushing an agenda. Click here for a full guide on how to contribute there!
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