Welcome to VeganActivism.org, a verified list of vegan organizations from around the world! Whether you have a lot of time to commit to the animals or just a little, there's an organization on our list that aligns with your goals and interests and is looking for your help to spread the compassionate vegan message.
In just 5 minutes you can help 5 or more people become Vegan!

Our vegan robots are constantly scanning twitter, they retweet people we think are looking to go vegan, help them out fast!

9,402 Activists clicked on this.

We're looking for developers, designers, and other roles!

A global community of animal advocates that build technology for animal protection through design, development, and data.

5,366 Activists clicked on this.

Participate in an Anonymous for the Voiceless "Cube of Truth"!

Anonymous for the Voiceless is an animal rights organisation that specializes in street activism.

14,635 Activists clicked on this.

Find a "The Save Movement" event nearby and bear witness!

Groups around the world bear witness to pigs, cows, chickens and other animals en route to slaughter.

10,905 Activists clicked on this.

Peacefully enter farms & protest for media exposure and lives.

Meat The Victims is a new generation of communities willing to disobey unjust laws together to abolish animal exploitation.

6,958 Activists clicked on this.

Join DxE, disruptive but peaceful protests, save live animals!

Our activists engage in creative nonviolent direct action to confront speciesism for animals in one generation with direct action.

8,950 Activists clicked on this.

Support The Vegan Society with some global volunteer work!

The Vegan Society is an educational charity that provides information and guidance on aspects of veganism.

19,261 Activists clicked on this.

Make an impact by volunteering with Mercy for Animals!

Join our global movement and organize local events, take online actions, and support our mission!

7,826 Activists clicked on this.

Mentor people looking to become Vegan with Challenge 22!

Challenge 22 offers users a free, supportive online framework for trying veganism for 22 days.

7,874 Activists clicked on this.

Join The Humane League's Fast Action Network!

A group of dedicated online activists spending only a few minutes of their time each week to assist.

7,935 Activists clicked on this.

Be a Hen Hero for just a few minutes each day!

Join thousands of people taking one-minute daily actions to help millions of animals by becoming a Hen Hero!

7,008 Activists clicked on this.

Volunteer with Animal Ethics to make a difference globally

Collaborate with Animal Ethics to help animals or provide resources for animal advocates.

8,976 Activists clicked on this.

PETA needs your help around the world, take action with us!

Our volunteers come from diverse backgrounds. If you want to get active for animals, we have a place for you!

6,499 Activists clicked on this.

Volunteer in many ways with the organization Vegan Outreach!

The cruelty inflicted on farmed animals is terrible, but you can be a part of the movement that will end that abuse. Here’s how.

8,648 Activists clicked on this.

Hand out pro-veg booklets and show virtual reality videos!

Adopt a College (AAC) is a program in which activists hand out pro-veg booklets and show iAnimal virtual reality videos.

6,664 Activists clicked on this.

VegFund offers a wide variety of grants for vegan advocacy!

VegFund empowers vegan activists worldwide by funding and supporting effective outreach activities that inspire a vegan lifestyle.

5,547 Activists clicked on this.

Support NARN in several ways by visiting our website today!

Whether you’re experienced in the world of activism or you’re dipping toes for the first time, we appreciate your support!

5,319 Activists clicked on this.

Respectfully post relevant vegan-friendly reddit content!

Reddit is a huge social news aggregation, web content, and discussion website with various types of active communities!

27,113 Activists clicked on this.

Help save wasted food with Food not Bombs and donate it!

We recover mostly vegan food that would have been discarded and then share it as a way of protesting poverty and war. Help us!

8,143 Activists clicked on this.

Fundraising is a fun way of getting active with Veganuary!

Whether you’re a one-person fundraiser or a local group, the possibilities for helping are endless!

4,270 Activists clicked on this.

Help Vegan Outreach with their Vegan Mentorship Program!

Are you an experienced vegan who wants to help others adopt this compassionate lifestyle? Well, you’re in the right place too!

4,988 Activists clicked on this.

Help Free From Harm build a nonviolent mass movement!

Free from Harm is a 501c(3) non profit organization based in Chicago dedicated to helping build a nonviolent mass movement.

4,696 Activists clicked on this.

Join the Vegan Justice League in our fight to end AG subsidies!

VJL members take vegan outreach to the halls of power. Our lobbying arm, AFA, drives vegan legislation in DC.

4,473 Activists clicked on this.

Join Animal Rebellion to make abolition of animal agriculture!

A mass volunteer movement demanding that the governments end the destructive animal farming and fishing industries.

5,700 Activists clicked on this.

Join Animal Reality Exposed by joining in with street outreach!

Animal Reality Exposed (A.R.Exp) is an decentralized/anarchist group/org that does outreach in a similar manner as AV.

4,857 Activists clicked on this.

Join Students Opposing Speciesism (SOS)!

We’re looking for young people ages 13-24 to help lead the revolt against human supremacy and end speciesism.

4,337 Activists clicked on this.

Join Surge at events and on campuses to help animals!

If you want to get involved volunteering with Surge (co-founded by Earthing Ed) you can do so in a number of ways!

4,518 Activists clicked on this.

Apply for startup grants of up to $1000 for your vegan activism!

Do you have a project working to address the inequities in the world? Apply for a $1,000 seed grant and let us help you!

3,918 Activists clicked on this.

Fill out the ethical investment survey form or seek funding!

We're a multi function platform, a vegan business hub where you can create networks - jobs, groups, events, news, and more!

3,697 Activists clicked on this.

Help PAN by volunteering as a mentor for our 30 day program!

PAN promotes peaceful living through veganism, social justice, and respect for the Earth's inhabitants and resources.

3,091 Activists clicked on this.

Join Animal Justice Project in exposing and ending animal cruelty

Our focus is to end animal agriculture - not solely improve conditions for exploited animals.

2,335 Activists clicked on this.

Add your organization
Add your organization here or recommend one for us!

New organizations are added on a case-by-case basis. Let us know who you'd like to be added!


 Special thanks to the organizations partnered with us to keep their pages updated!
  • 1
    Always ask for vegan options when you're eating out, walking by a restaurant, store, or bar. Even if you already know that they don't have vegan options, asking creates a demand for it.
  • 2
    Buy vegan-friendly stickers and place them on walls, lamp poles, & other public areas. You can also attach QR code stickers on meat products. Please respect local laws! Find stickers
  • 3
    Move bookstore cookbooks so that plant-friendly recipes have more exposure near meat-based recipe books. Please be respectful and ask these stores first if you can rearrange them!
  • 4
    Update your social media profile descriptions or website with a link to a vegan youtube video! Use a goo.gl link to track clicks and stats. We recommend Gary or Earthling Ed's speech!
  • 5
    Print vegan-friendly flyers and pamphlets for people's mailboxes, or under their doors! Hand them out to people, leave them at libraries, colleges, supermarkets, or hang them in public places! Print or order resources by clicking here.
  • 6
    Contact stores around you and ask them to carry more vegan / plant-based / dairy-free items! It creates demand, and it only takes a few seconds to google your local store's website and email address! Example
  • 7
    Host potlucks / vegan meals by inviting friends and family over and cooking for them! Show them how good plant-based meats, milks and desserts actually are!
  • 8
    Leave positive Yelp reviews at restaurants that offered vegan options and give feedback to restaurants that you'd like to see more plant-based options! Examples.
  • 9
    Wear vegan shirts / clothes and other items! By wearing vegan-friendly messages on your clothes you help normalize veganism and hopefully plant a few seeds in people around you!
  • 10
    Tweet or email celebrities that you look up to, whether they play music, star in movies, write books, respectfully ask them to consider looking into Veganism! Examples here.
  • 11
    Donate to sanctuaries or organizations that could really use the funding! You could even sponsor an Animal at a sanctuary; your money is sorely needed. Donation list.
  • 12
    Use your creative skillsets and create various forms of art like songs, poems, stories, drawings, and so on, to spread the message of going vegan!
  • 13
    Set up a free public booth somewhere and give out small sample cups of plant-based milks to show people how good they are, and where to buy them from! Hand out pamphlets with information.
  • 14
    Ask your family to donate towards vegan organizations or sanctuaries in place of getting you birthday, wedding or christmas gifts! Plant some seeds in their mind! Donate list.
  • 15
    Perform chalk activism on public streets to spread information, facts and more - legally. Make sure the chalk is vegan (Crayola isn’t vegan)!
  • 16
    Change your WiFi network name to link directly to a free documentary! You can do "WATCHDOMINION.COM" or a similar link, it's a quick and easy thing to do! Screenshot.
  • 17
    Post content on reddit.com that's relevant to the community without directly pushing an agenda. Click here for a full guide on how to contribute there!
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    We've had 197,640 visits with a total of 233,910 unique clicks that went directly to activist websites. Thanks!

    Feel free to contact us, or donate if you can, it's very appreciated!
Vegan Hacktivists Designed with love by Vegan Hacktivists